Tuesday, May 24, 2011

my first post

Hi, my name is Anna. I am seven years old.This is my first post and I want to tell you all about me. Yesterday I woke up at 7:00, then I had breakfast and I went to the shcool. My school is called Anglo-American School St. Petersburg Russia. I am already in second grade. If I come a bit earlier, then I can play a bit outside. Then at 8:25  me and my class went inside of school to learn. Yesterday we first had the first recess. Then we had art. Then we had lunch. Then we had the second recess. Then we had to go inside for half-an-hour to work, and then we went outside to have P.E. Then we again went inside to work more and then we write our homework on a special sheet of paper. And at three o'clock we go home.

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